Student Leadership Development
Student Leadership Development
In Yuhua Primary School, we believe that all Yuhualites can lead. We have in place a rigourous Student Leadership Development programme that seeks to inculcate in every yuhualite the knowledge, skills and values of a leader. Through our programme, we hope that all Yuhualites will develop into self-directed leaders who will seek constant improvement.
Student Leadership Programme
In our school, we use PINNACLE, which is the acronym for Programme for Inspiring & Nurturing Active Confident Leaders, in the designing of programme for different segments of the student leaders.

Student Leadership Framework in Yuhua Primary School As part of student leadership growth and development, the school’s student leadership programme is anchored upon Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people which is also in alignment to our ACHIEVE student outcomes framework. The school’s programmes are divided into 3 tiers: Tier 1 - Leading Self, Tier 2 - Leading Peers and Tier 3 - Leading Teams/Others. Aligned to our school vision of “Every Yuhualite who learns, thinks, innovates, cares, shares and contributes”, we hope to nurture all students to flourish, grow and demonstrate student leadership competencies as shown below.

Milestone Programme: Cohort Leadership Workshop

Enhance Leadership Programme: Workshop through Zoom and School Project

Active Confident Leaders: Service Learning