Applied Learning Programme & Innovation (ALP)
Applied Learning Programme & Innovation
Think@Yuhua is the school’s Applied Learning Programme which focuses on
equipping students with 21st Century Competencies to develop them to be
critical thinkers, independent learners, , values-driven leaders and active
Aligned to the school’s mission and vision and ACHIEVE student framework,
Think@Yuhua leverages Project Work to meaningfully integrate multiple disciplines
with the aim of providing varied platforms and opportunities for students
to deepen and apply their learning across the different subjects.
The use of real-world scenarios and problems also allows students to harness
the Design Thinking process to ideate human-centric solutions and affect
positive change through innovation.

The thINk@Yuhua programmes can be categorised into two broad tiers.
Tier 1: Providing Opportunities for All Students
Integrated Project Work (IPW)
The Integrated Project Work at Primary 3 and Primary 4 bring together
learning from various subjects’ units that have been carefully chosen for
being inter-linked. The contents of these units are enriched through the
application of various thinking techniques that bring about deeper understanding
and appreciation from making connections with and across topics.
~ IPW@P3 : C.A.R.E

~ IPW@P4 : C.H.A.M.P.

InnoMake Programmes to drive Computational Thinking
The InnoMake programme serves to equip the upper primary (P4, P5 & P6) students with 21st Century Competencies like coding and Design Thinking. Typically, the Primary 4 and Primary 5 students get to tinker with micro:bits to create sustainable solutions that lead to the creation of Smart Homes, while the Primary 6 work on application designs that would bring ease and improvement to selected members of the community.
![]() Pri 4 students using the SMART City Kit to innovate and problem-solve issues around the household for a smarter home |
![]() Pri 5 students using the SMART City Kit to prototype a smart watering or water cooler system that can improve water consumption |
TechPlay1,2,3! Programmes
The lower primary students also get a chance to pique their interest and build a curiosity for coding with a learn-through-play approach, using simpler but more fun coding tools.
![]() Pri 1 students using the TaleBot to discover basic computational thinking through playing with coding |
![]() Pri 2 students using the Coding Awbie to learn coding basics like sequencing and loop through a tactile gaming application |
![]() Pri 3 students using the Ozobot to explore line coding and applying it into scenarios that require the use of Design Thinking as well |
Tier 2: Nurturing Talents & Interests
The thINk@yuhua programme seizes opportunities to promote innovation and joy of learning through talent and interest promotion via the following CCA clubs.
ICT Club
ICT Club
Selected teams of 5 students take part in this challenge to generate tech and AI-enabled solutions to the theme given. The members from P4 and P5 apply Design Thinking to generate effective and meaningful solutions and submit a proposal of their idea. |
The National Primary Games Creation and Coding Competition (NPGC3) is an annual competition organised by Wellington Primary School. Our P5 and P6 ICT Club members participate in it to harness their creativity and technological skills in developing digital games and posters, sharpening their computational as well as critical thinking. |
In 2023, our P5 Team for National Thinker’s Challenge clinched the Commendation Award at Phase 1: Ideation Stage for their ideation of “Scan & Sculpt”, which is an AI-equipped body composition scan that syncs up to an app that searches and offers custom healthy exercises and meal options.

Our Infrastructure
Our school has dedicated the linkway of Level 1 as the “Inspiration Junction”.
In this space, displays of the school’s innovation journey, winning innovative
projects and upcoming innovation programmes lined the walls of this junction
to inspire innovation amongst students.

Not only that, there is also a “teaching wall” where one can pick up the skills to innovate via tools like the Design Thinking process or SCAMPER. There is even a tinkering space where students can go to during recess to unleash their creative and innovative ideas with pegs and pins on the large board.

At the end of the Inspiration Junction, one can find Studio SPARKS. This is a dedicated space for thinking, and tinkering, to come alive. With intentionally-selected furnishing, the space is designed for students to spark their imagination and creativity, and bring joy to their learning.

Key Event
Our school takes time to celebrate the innovative and enriching teaching and learning practices during InnoLearn Fest (known as Inspire Fest from 2024). It not only allows for a showcase of unique and impactful activities, but also sets aside time for all students to partake in innovative learning experiences that are multi-disciplinary and promotes the application of Design Thinking.

Thus, with the rich and innovative learning environment and experiences as seen here, the school hopes for all Yuhualites to ACHIEVE and be equipped with the ideals and skills required to pursue excellence, affect positive change and flourish in a fast-changing world.